If you require special housing because of a disability or medical condition, please make a request for an accommodation by following the procedures listed below:
Once your housing assignment has been made, you will be able to view your room assignment and roommate information in late July via the Housing & Dining Portal.
Students with disabilities or medical conditions often have concerns in regard to housing. Please consider the following when indicating your housing preferences:
Early submission of the housing contract is crucial to the ability of University Housing Services to honor a request. Thoroughly read the information. Submit the housing contract as soon as possible after you have received it. The earlier the request is submitted, the better the opportunity to have the request filled. Requests for specific rooms, types of rooms, or location of rooms will be honored as available housing space allows.
All residence halls are air-conditioned only from mid-August to mid-September. If a student has a medical condition that requires year-round air conditioning, the student should identify this need to Student Access and Accommodation Services. They will work with the student and University Housing Services to determine where this accommodation can be made.
Cardinal Court apartments have their own thermostat for heating and air conditioning which is controlled by the residents.
If the accommodation request is for a modification to a room such as lower shelves or a doorbell light, the student must contact Student Access and Accommodation Services by phone or in person and provide the appropriate documentation to support the request.
If you have a disability and prefer placement on a Themed Living-Learning Community lifestyle floor, you will need to identify this need to Student Access and Accommodation Services (SAAS). SAAS will work with you and University Housing to provide placement on the preferred lifestyle floor if space is available.
Cardinal Court does not offer themed living-learning communities.
Residence halls that have elevator access on every floor are Hewett-Manchester and Tri-Towers. In Watterson Towers, elevators only stop on the third floor of each house.
Cardinal Court residential buildings (Birch, Cypress, Dogwood, Evergreen and Fir) have elevator access on every floor. The Cardinal Court community center is a one-story building with all services and amenities on one level and is accessible.
If you have specific bathroom needs, the student should identify this need to Student Access and Accommodation Services. They will work with the student and University Housing Services to provide the needed accommodation.
Cardinal Court offers private bathrooms, as well as bathrooms shared by a maximum of two people. The Student Access and Accommodation Services office will work with students to determine the appropriate accommodation.
Students who have specific dietary needs should contact the Campus Dining dietician before the start of the semester at (309) 438-8351 or Dining@IllinoisState.edu.
A student may have a medical/disability need that requires a dining center in the same complex as the residence halls they are residing in. Dining centers are located in Watterson Towers and Tri-Towers (Haynie, Wilkins, and Wright Halls). Hewett-Manchester does not have a dining center.